Google 2019年01月11日 11:18:39 映维 Google Patent | Volumetric Multi-Selection Interface for Selecting Multiple Objects in 3d Space
Google 2019年01月11日 11:10:01 映维 Google Patent | Dynamic Switching and Merging of Head, Gesture and Touch Input in Virtual Reality
Microsoft 2019年01月11日 10:41:09 映维 Microsoft Patent | Compact Optical System With Mems Scanners for Image Generation and Object Tracking
MagicLeap 2019年01月11日 09:48:26 映维 Magic Leap Patent | Method and system for integration of electronic sensors with thermal cooling system
MagicLeap 2019年01月11日 09:48:21 映维 Magic Leap Patent | Speckle-reduction in virtual and augmented reality systems and methods
MagicLeap 2019年01月11日 09:48:18 映维 Magic Leap Patent | Imaging modification, display and visualization using augmented and virtual reality eyewear
Ultraleap 2019年01月10日 20:38:14 映维 ultraleap Patent | Enhanced contrast for object detection and characterization by optical imaging based on differences between images
Vuzix 2019年01月10日 20:17:06 映维 Vuzix Patent | Double-sided imaging light guide with embedded dichroic filters
Apple 2019年01月10日 15:30:57 映维 Apple Patent | Synchronized, interactive augmented reality displays for multifunction devices
Microsoft 2019年01月09日 18:10:34 映维 Microsoft Patent | Real-time remodeling of user voice in an immersive visualization system