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Apple Patent | Rate control for low latency video encoding and transmission

Patent: Rate control for low latency video encoding and transmission

Drawings: Click to check drawins

Publication Number: 20210127117

Publication Date: 20210429

Applicant: Apple

Assignee: Apple Inc.


A video encoding system in which pixel data is decomposed into frequency bands prior to encoding. The frequency bands for a slice of a frame may be buffered so that complexity statistics may be calculated across the frequency bands prior to encoding. The statistics may then be used by a rate control component in determining quantization parameters for the frequency bands for modulating the rate in the encoder for the current slice. The quantization parameters for the frequency bands may be calculated jointly to optimize the quality of the displayed frames after decoder reconstruction and wavelet synthesis on a receiving device. Information about one or more previously processed frames may be used in combination with the statistics for a current slice in determining the quantization parameters for the current slice.


  1. A video encoding system, comprising: a block-based encoder; a wavelet transform component comprising one or more processors configured to apply a wavelet transform to a plurality of pixel blocks from a slice of a current video frame to decompose the pixel blocks from the slice into a plurality of frequency bands and output frequency blocks including frequency data for the frequency bands for the slice to a buffer; a complexity analysis component comprising one or more processors configured to calculate complexity statistics across the buffered frequency bands of the slice and output the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice to the encoder; wherein the encoder is configured to: determine quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice; and apply an encoding technique to the buffered frequency blocks for the slice, wherein the encoding technique uses the determined quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice to compress the frequency data in the frequency blocks; a wireless interface configured to transmit the compressed frequency data for the slice over a wireless connection to a receiving device.

  2. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the complexity statistics include one or more of pixel gradient information or variance of the frequency block size for the slice.

  3. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the encoder is further configured to determine the quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice in combination with an actual number of bits that were used to encode a co-sited slice of a previously processed video frame.

  4. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the wireless interface is configured to provide a current available bit rate for the wireless connection as feedback to the encoder; wherein, when determining the quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice, the encoder is configured to allocate the current available bit rate among the frequency bands.

  5. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the wireless interface is configured to provide a current available bit rate for the wireless connection and a current dropped packet rate on the wireless connection as feedback to the encoder; wherein, when determining the quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice, the encoder is configured to adjust the quantization parameters for the frequency bands to minimize the dropped packet rate while maximizing available bandwidth usage at the current available bit rate.

  6. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the encoder is further configured to determine the quantization parameters for the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the slice in combination with complexity statistics from a previous frame and a foveated region of the previous frame.

  7. The video encoding system as recited in claim 6, wherein, to determine the quantization parameters for the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the slice in combination with complexity statistics from a previous frame and a foveated region of the previous frame, the encoder modulates the complexity statistics from the previous frame according to the foveated region of the previous frame and uses the modulated complexity statistics from the previous frame in combination with the complexity statistics for the slice to determine the quantization parameters.

  8. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the wavelet transform is a two-level wavelet decomposition applied to each pixel block from the video frame.

  9. The video encoding system as recited in claim 1, wherein the encoder includes: a block processing pipeline configured to apply the encoding technique to the buffered frequency blocks for the slice; and a rate control component configured to determine the quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice and provide the quantization parameters to the block processing pipeline.

  10. A method, comprising: one or more processors configured to implement: applying a wavelet transform to a plurality of pixel blocks from a slice of a current video frame to decompose the pixel blocks from the slice into a plurality of frequency bands and output frequency blocks including frequency data for the frequency bands for the slice to a buffer; calculating complexity statistics across the buffered frequency bands of the slice and output the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice to the encoder; determining quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice; applying an encoding technique to the buffered frequency blocks for the slice, wherein the encoding technique uses the determined quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice to compress the frequency data in the frequency blocks; and transmitting the compressed frequency data for the slice over a wireless connection to a receiving device.

  11. The method as recited in claim 10, wherein the complexity statistics include one or more of pixel gradient information or variance of the frequency block size for the slice.

  12. The method as recited in claim 10, further comprising determining the quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice in combination with an actual number of bits that were used to encode a co-sited slice of a previously processed video frame.

  13. The method as recited in claim 10, further comprising tracking a current available bit rate for the wireless connection, wherein determining the quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice includes allocating the current available bit rate among the frequency bands.

  14. The method as recited in claim 10, further comprising tracking a current available bit rate for the wireless connection and a current dropped packet rate on the wireless connection, wherein determining the quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice includes adjusting the quantization parameters for the frequency bands to minimize the dropped packet rate while maximizing available bandwidth usage at the current available bit rate.

  15. The method as recited in claim 10, further comprising determining the quantization parameters for the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the slice in combination with complexity statistics from a previous frame and a foveated region of the previous frame.

  16. The method as recited in claim 15, wherein determining the quantization parameters for the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the slice in combination with complexity statistics from a previous frame and a foveated region of the previous frame comprises modulating the complexity statistics from the previous frame according to the foveated region of the previous frame and using the modulated complexity statistics from the previous frame in combination with the complexity statistics for the slice to determine the quantization parameters.

  17. A system, comprising: a device comprising one or more processors and a display subsystem; a base station comprising one or more processors configured to: apply a wavelet transform to a plurality of pixel blocks from a slice of a current video frame to decompose the pixel blocks from the slice into a plurality of frequency bands and output frequency blocks including frequency data for the frequency bands for the slice to a buffer; calculate complexity statistics across the buffered frequency bands of the slice and output the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice to the encoder; determine quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice; apply an encoding technique to the buffered frequency blocks for the slice, wherein the encoding technique uses the determined quantization parameters for the frequency bands of the slice to compress the frequency data in the frequency blocks; and transmit the compressed frequency data for the slice over a wireless connection to the device; wherein the one or more processors of the device are configured to: decompress the compressed frequency bands received from the base station; perform wavelet synthesis on the decompressed frequency bands to reconstruct the pixel data for the video frame; and provide the reconstructed pixel data to the display subsystem for display.

  18. The system as recited in claim 17, wherein the one or more processors of the base station are configured to determine the quantization parameters for each of the frequency bands of the slice based at least in part on the complexity statistics for the frequency bands of the slice in combination with encoding information for a previously processed video frame.

  19. The system as recited in claim 17, wherein the one or more processors of the base station are configured to adjust the quantization parameters for the frequency bands to minimize a dropped packet rate on the wireless connection while maximizing available bandwidth usage at a current available bit rate of the wireless connection.

  20. The system as recited in claim 17, wherein the device is a head-mounted display (HMD).



[0001] This application is a 371 of PCT Application No. PCT/US2019/039586, filed Jun. 27, 2019, which claims benefit of priority of U.S. Provisional Application Ser. No. 62/691,427, filed Jun. 28, 2018, which are incorporated by reference herein in their entirety.


[0002] Virtual reality (VR) allows users to experience and/or interact with an immersive artificial environment, such that the user feels as if they were physically in that environment. For example, virtual reality systems may display stereoscopic scenes to users in order to create an illusion of depth, and a computer may adjust the scene content in real-time to provide the illusion of the user moving within the scene. When the user views images through a virtual reality system, the user may thus feel as if they are moving within the scenes from a first-person point of view. Similarly, mixed reality (MR) combines computer generated information (referred to as virtual content) with real world images or a real world view to augment, or add content to, a user’s view of the world, or alternatively combines virtual representations of real world objects with views of a three-dimensional (3D) virtual world. The simulated environments of virtual reality and/or the mixed environments of mixed reality may thus be utilized to provide an interactive user experience for multiple applications.


[0003] Various embodiments of a video encoding system are described that may encode high-resolution video sources at low latencies for transmission over a communications link (e.g., a wireless link) to a device for decoding and display. Embodiments of the video encoding system may also provide graceful degradation of encoded video transmitted to the device to maintain a desired frame rate in varying conditions such as variations in the channel capacity of the communications link. An example application of the video encoding system is in virtual or mixed reality systems in which video frames containing virtual content are rendered, encoded, and transmitted by a base station to a device (e.g., a notebook or laptop computer, pad or tablet device, smartphone, or head-mounted display (HMD) such as a headset, helmet, goggles, or glasses that may be worn by a user) for decoding and display.

[0004] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform a wavelet transform on the pixel data prior to encoding to decompose the pixel data into frequency bands. The frequency bands are then organized into blocks that are provided to a block-based encoder for encoding/compression. The encoded frequency data is then sent to a wireless interface that packetizes the encoded frequency data and transmits the packets to the receiving device. On the receiving device, the encoded data is de-packetized and passed through a block-based decoder to recover the frequency bands. Wavelet synthesis is then performed on the recovered frequency bands to reconstruct the pixel data for display.

[0005] Various methods and apparatus may be implemented by the video encoding system to maintain the target frame rate through the wireless link and to minimize the latency in frame rendering, transmittal, and display and to provide graceful degradation of encoded video transmitted to the device to maintain a desired frame rate in varying conditions such as variations in the channel capacity of the wireless connection.

[0006] A target of a system that implements an embodiment of the video encoding system may be to provide very low latency (e.g., 4-5 milliseconds) between the time the virtual content is rendered on the base station and the time the virtual content is displayed on the device while minimizing errors (e.g., dropped packets) and maximizing bandwidth usage over the wireless connection. Embodiments of the video encoding system may implement a rate control method to help achieve the targeted low latency for the system when encoding data to be transmitted over the wireless connection to the device.

[0007] In some embodiments, the video encoding system includes a wavelet transform component that performs a 2-layer wavelet decomposition that decomposes blocks of pixels from a slice of a frame into multiple different frequency bands, followed by a block-based encoder such as HEVC that encodes the frequency bands. In some embodiments, to perform rate control under the strict latency requirements of the VR/MR system, instead of working over a time constant of a frame or two frames to adjust encoder parameters, a rate control component may adjust encoder parameters (e.g., quantization parameters for the frequency bands) for each slice. In some embodiments, the frequency bands for a slice may be buffered in local memory after the wavelet transform so that complexity statistics may be calculated across the frequency bands prior to encoding, for example by a complexity analysis component of the video encoding system. In some embodiments, the complexity statistics may include one or more of, but are not limited to, pixel gradient and variance of size for the CTU blocks. The complexity statistics may then be used by a rate control component in determining quantization parameters for the frequency bands for modulating the rate in the encoder for the current slice. Calculating the complexity statistics on the buffered frequency bands allows the video encoding system to estimate the amount of complexity in a slice before encoding the slice.

[0008] In some embodiments, the rate control component may examine statistics for one or more previously processed frames to determine an actual number of bits that were used to encode co-sited blocks or slices of the frame(s). This information may then be used in combination with the complexity statistics for a current slice in determining the quantization parameters for the current slice.

[0009] In some embodiments, the quantization parameters for the frequency bands may be calculated jointly to optimize the overall displayed quality of the frames after decoder reconstruction and wavelet synthesis is performed on the device. A method for rate allocation between the frequency bands is to find an operating point in each of the frequency bands that results in equal slopes on the operational rate distortion curve. In some embodiments the operational rate distortion curve may be estimated using a combination of statistics from the entropy coding stage of the encoder pipeline with the fact that the rate of the coefficients can be well approximated for quantization parameter steps of 6.

[0010] In some embodiments, there may be an area of interest within an image (e.g., the foveated region) that should have higher resolution than the surrounding region (e.g., the peripheral region) in the same image. In some embodiments, complexity statistics from a previous frame along with the foveated region from the previous frame may be stored and used in calculating the quantization parameters for the frequency bands in slices of a current frame. As an example, for each block that is to be encoded, the foveated region of a previous frame may be used to modulate the complexity statistics that were calculated for the previous frame. The resulting complexity statistics may then be used in addition to the complexity statistics calculated for slices of a current frame in determining the quantization parameters.

[0011] In some embodiments, the rate control component may adjust encoder parameters (e.g., quantization parameters for the frequency bands or priority levels) at the block level rather than at the slice level. In some embodiments, complexity statistics may be calculated for each block of a slice, and quantization parameters may be determined for the blocks.


[0012] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a video encoding system that decomposes pixel data into frequency bands using a wavelet transform prior to encoding, according to at least some embodiments.

[0013] FIG. 2 illustrates a video encoding system that includes multiple encoders that process tiles from frames in parallel, according to at least some embodiments.

[0014] FIG. 3A illustrates an example frame divided into slices and tiles, according to at least some embodiments.

[0015] FIG. 3B illustrates an example tile divided into blocks, according to at least some embodiments.

[0016] FIG. 3C illustrates performing a wavelet transform of a pixel block that stores pixel data to generate frequency band data prior to encoding, according to at least some embodiments.

[0017] FIG. 4 is a high-level flowchart of a method of operation for VR/MR systems that include video encoding systems as illustrated in FIGS. 1 and 2, according to at least some embodiments.

[0018] FIG. 5 is a flowchart of a method of operation for a video encoding system as illustrated in FIG. 1, according to at least some embodiments.

[0019] FIG. 6 is a flowchart of a method of operation for a video encoding system as illustrated in FIG. 2, according to at least some embodiments.

[0020] FIG. 7 is a block diagram illustrating a video encoding system as illustrated in FIG. 1 or 2 in which complexity statistics for the frequency bands are calculated and used in generating quantization parameters for encoding, according to at least some embodiments.

[0021] FIG. 8 is a flowchart of a method of operation for a video encoding system as illustrated in FIG. 7, according to at least some embodiments.

[0022] FIG. 9 illustrates an example VR/MR system that may implement a video encoding system, according to at least some embodiments.

[0023] FIG. 10 is a block diagram illustrating components of a VR/MR system as illustrated in FIG. 9, according to at least some embodiments.

[0024] This specification includes references to “one embodiment” or “an embodiment.” The appearances of the phrases “in one embodiment” or “in an embodiment” do not necessarily refer to the same embodiment. Particular features, structures, or characteristics may be combined in any suitable manner consistent with this disclosure.

[0025] “Comprising.” This term is open-ended. As used in the claims, this term does not foreclose additional structure or steps. Consider a claim that recites: “An apparatus comprising one or more processor units … .” Such a claim does not foreclose the apparatus from including additional components (e.g., a network interface unit, graphics circuitry, etc.).

[0026] “Configured To.” Various units, circuits, or other components may be described or claimed as “configured to” perform a task or tasks. In such contexts, “configured to” is used to connote structure by indicating that the units/circuits/components include structure (e.g., circuitry) that performs those task or tasks during operation. As such, the unit/circuit/component can be said to be configured to perform the task even when the specified unit/circuit/component is not currently operational (e.g., is not on). The units/circuits/components used with the “configured to” language include hardware–for example, circuits, memory storing program instructions executable to implement the operation, etc. Reciting that a unit/circuit/component is “configured to” perform one or more tasks is expressly intended not to invoke 35 U.S.C. .sctn. 112, paragraph (f), for that unit/circuit/component. Additionally, “configured to” can include generic structure (e.g., generic circuitry) that is manipulated by software or firmware (e.g., an FPGA or a general-purpose processor executing software) to operate in manner that is capable of performing the task(s) at issue. “Configure to” may also include adapting a manufacturing process (e.g., a semiconductor fabrication facility) to fabricate devices (e.g., integrated circuits) that are adapted to implement or perform one or more tasks.

[0027] “First,” “Second,” etc. As used herein, these terms are used as labels for nouns that they precede, and do not imply any type of ordering (e.g., spatial, temporal, logical, etc.). For example, a buffer circuit may be described herein as performing write operations for “first” and “second” values. The terms “first” and “second” do not necessarily imply that the first value must be written before the second value.

[0028] “Based On” or “Dependent On.” As used herein, these terms are used to describe one or more factors that affect a determination. These terms do not foreclose additional factors that may affect a determination. That is, a determination may be solely based on those factors or based, at least in part, on those factors. Consider the phrase “determine A based on B.” While in this case, B is a factor that affects the determination of A, such a phrase does not foreclose the determination of A from also being based on C. In other instances, A may be determined based solely on B.

[0029] “Or.” When used in the claims, the term “or” is used as an inclusive or and not as an exclusive or. For example, the phrase “at least one of x, y, or z” means any one of x, y, and z, as well as any combination thereof.


[0030] Various embodiments of a video encoding system are described. Embodiments of the video encoding system may encode high-resolution video sources at low latencies for transmission over a communications link (e.g., a wireless link) to a device for decoding and display. Embodiments of the video encoding system may also provide graceful degradation of encoded video transmitted to the device to maintain a desired frame rate in varying conditions such as variations in the channel capacity of the communications link.

[0031] An example application of the video encoding system is in virtual or mixed reality systems in which video frames containing virtual content are rendered, encoded, and transmitted to a device for decoding and display. Embodiments of a virtual or mixed reality system (referred to herein as a VR/MR system) are described in which embodiments of the video encoding system may be implemented. In some embodiments, the VR/MR system may include a device (e.g., a pad or tablet device, a smartphone, or a a headset, helmet, goggles, or glasses worn by the user, referred to herein as a head-mounted display (HMD)), and a separate computing device, referred to herein as a base station. In some embodiments, the device and base station may each include wireless communications technology that allows the device and base station to communicate and exchange data via a wireless connection. In some embodiments, the device may include sensors that collect information about the user’s environment (e.g., video, depth information, lighting information, etc.) and information about the user (e.g., the user’s expressions, eye movement, hand gestures, etc.). The information collected by the sensors may be transmitted to the base station via the wireless connection. The base station may include software and hardware (e.g., processors (system on a chip (SOC), CPUs, image signal processors (ISPs), graphics processing units (GPUs), encoder/decoders (codecs), etc.), memory, etc.) configured to generate and render frames that include virtual content based at least in part on the sensor information received from the device via the wireless connection. The base station may also include an embodiment of the video encoding system as described herein that may pre-filter, compress and transmit the rendered frames to the device for display via the wireless connection.

[0032] In some embodiments, the VR/MR system may implement a proprietary wireless communications technology that provides a highly directional wireless link between the device and the base station. In some embodiments, the directionality and bandwidth of the wireless communication technology may support multiple devices communicating with the base station at the same time to thus enable multiple users to use the system at the same time in a co-located environment. However, other commercial (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) or proprietary wireless communications technologies may be supported in some embodiments.

[0033] Primary constraints to be considered on a wireless link include bandwidth and latency. A target of the VR/MR system is to provide a high resolution, wide field of view (FOV) virtual display at a frame rate to provide the user with a high-quality VR/MR view. Another target is to minimize latency between the time a frame is rendered by the base station and the time the frame is displayed by the device. However, the channel capacity of the wireless link may vary with time, and the wireless link may thus support only a certain amount of information to be transmitted at any given time.

[0034] Various methods and apparatus are described herein that may be implemented by the video encoding system to maintain the target frame rate through the wireless link and to minimize the latency in frame rendering, transmittal, and display. In addition, the methods and apparatus may provide graceful degradation of encoded video transmitted to the device to maintain a desired frame rate in varying conditions such as variations in the channel capacity of the communications link.

[0035] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform a wavelet transform on the pixel data prior to encoding to decompose the pixel data into frequency bands. The frequency bands are then organized into blocks that are provided to a block-based encoder for encoding/compression. As an example, a frame may be divided into 128.times.128 blocks, and a two-level wavelet decomposition may be applied to each 128.times.128 block to generate 16 32.times.32 blocks of frequency data representing seven frequency bands that may then be sent to an encoder (e.g., a High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoder) to be encoded. The encoded frequency data is then sent to a wireless interface that packetizes the encoded frequency data and transmits the packets to the receiving device (e.g., an HMD, pad or tablet device, smartphone, etc.). On the receiving device, the encoded data is de-packetized and passed through a block-based decoder to recover the frequency bands. Wavelet synthesis is then performed on the recovered frequency bands to reconstruct the pixel data for display.

[0036] While embodiments are generally described in which the wavelet transform is a two-level wavelet decomposition applied to each pixel block from a video frame, in various embodiments the wavelet decomposition may be any number of levels (e.g., one level, two levels, three levels, four levels, etc.), and may be adjusted to trade-off quality of the encoded image vs. complexity of the blocks to be encoded.

[0037] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform slice-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal. Rendering, encoding, and transmitting entire frames may have a latency and memory impact as each frame needs to be completed, stored, and then transmitted to the next stage of the VR/MR system. In slice-based rendering, rather than rendering and encoding entire frames in the base station and transmitting the rendered frames to the device, the base station may render and encode parts of frames (referred to as slices) and transmit the encoded slices to the device as they are ready. A slice may, for example, be a row of 128.times.128 blocks, or two or more rows of blocks. Slice-based rendering and encoding may help to reduce latency, and may also reduce the amount of memory needed for buffering, which may reduce the memory footprint on the chip(s) or processor(s) as well as power requirements.

[0038] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform tile-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal. In tile-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal, each slice may be divided into multiple tiles (e.g., four tiles), and the base station may render and encode the tiles and transmit the encoded tiles to the device as they are ready.

[0039] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform tile-based encoding using a single encoder to process tiles from each slice. However, in some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform tile-based encoding using multiple encoders to process respective tiles from each slice. For example, in some embodiments, each slice may be divided into four tiles, each tile including multiple 128.times.128 blocks, and two encoders (e0 and e1) may operate on two tiles from each slice (e.g., e0 operates on t0 and t1; e1 operates on t2 and t3). Each encoder may multiplex the processing of blocks from different frequency bands between its two tiles to allow for 16 time units between the processing of blocks from the same frequency band. By multiplexing the processing of blocks between two tiles, dependencies between blocks in a frequency band may be handled appropriately. While embodiments are described in which each slice is divided into four tiles and two encoders operate on respective tiles from each slice, slices may be divided into more tiles (e.g., six or eight tiles) in some embodiments, and more encoders (e.g., three or four encoders) may be used in some embodiments.

[0040] In some embodiments, the video encoding system may perform pre-filtering of the pixel data in frames prior to the wavelet transform. Pre-filtering may, for example, reduce the resolution of the frames rendered by the base station prior to performing the wavelet transform, encoding, and transmission of the frames to the device over the wireless link, which may help in improving compression, and may reduce latency and bandwidth usage on the wireless link.

[0041] In some embodiments in which the device is an HMD, pre-filtering may include performing a lens warp on the frames on the base station prior to the wavelet transform. The lens warp is performed to correct for the distortion of the images introduced by the lenses on the HMD that the images are viewed through, thus improving quality of the images. In some embodiments, the HMD may store lens warp data for the lenses, for example generated by a calibration process, and may provide the lens warp data to the base station over the wireless connection. The base station may then perform the lens warp on the frames based on the lens warp data for that HMD. In conventional VR/MR systems, the lens warp is performed on the HMD after decoding and prior to display. Performing the lens warp on the base station in the pre-filter stage may reduce the resolution of the frames prior to performing the wavelet transform and encoding, which may help in improving compression, and may reduce latency and bandwidth usage on the wireless link. In addition, by performing the lens warp on the base station in the pre-filter stage rather than on the HMD after decoding, filtering of the image data may only need to be performed once, as opposed to performing filtering on the base station to reduce resolution prior to encoding and then performing lens warp filtering on the HMD.

[0042] In some embodiments, pre-filtering may include filtering to reduce resolution in peripheral regions while maintaining higher resolution in foveated regions. In this method, gaze tracking information obtained from the device may be used to identify the direction in which the user is currently looking. Human eyes can perceive higher resolution in the foveal region than in the peripheral region. Thus, a region of the frame that corresponds to the fovea (referred to as the foveated region) may be identified based at least in part on the determined gaze direction. In some embodiments, the peripheral region (i.e. the portion of the frame outside the foveated region) may be pre-filtered to reduce information based on knowledge of the human vision system, for example by filtering high frequency information and/or increasing color compression. In some embodiments, the amount of filtering applied to the peripheral region may increase extending towards the periphery of the frame. Pre-filtering of the peripheral region may help to provide improved compression of the frame.

[0043] FIG. 1 is a block diagram illustrating a video encoding system 120 that decomposes pixel data into frequency bands using a wavelet transform prior to encoding, according to at least some embodiments. A VR/MR system 10 may include at least one device 150 (e.g., a pad or tablet device, a smartphone, or an HMD such as a headset, helmet, goggles, or glasses that may be worn by a user) and a computing device 100 (referred to herein as a base station). The base station 100 renders VR or MR frames including virtual content, encodes the frames, and transmits the encoded frames over a wireless connection 180 to the device 150 for decoding and display by the device 150.

[0044] In some embodiments, the device 150 may include sensors 160 that collect information about the user 190’s environment (e.g., video, depth information, lighting information, etc.) and about the user 190 (e.g., the user’s expressions, eye movement, gaze direction, hand gestures, etc.). The device 150 may transmit at least some of the information collected by sensors 160 to the base station 100 via wireless connection 180. The base station 100 may render frames for display by the device 150 that include virtual content based at least in part on the various information obtained from the sensors 160, encode the frames, and transmit the encoded frames to the device 150 for decoding and display to the user via the wireless connection 180.

[0045] The base station 100 and device 150 may implement wireless communications technology that allows the base station 100 and device 150 to communicate and exchange data via a wireless connection 180. In some embodiments, the wireless connection 180 may be implemented according to a proprietary wireless communications technology that provides a highly directional wireless link between the device 150 and the base station 100. However, other commercial (e.g., Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, etc.) or proprietary wireless communications technologies may be used in some embodiments.

[0046] Primary constraints to be considered on the wireless connection 180 between the device 150 and the base station 100 in a VR/MR system 10 include bandwidth and latency. For example, in some embodiments, a target is to provide a high resolution, wide field of view (FOV) virtual display to the user at a frame rate that provides the user with a high-quality VR/MR view. Another target is to minimize latency between the time a video frame is captured by the device and the time a rendered VR/MR frame based on the video frame is displayed by the device.

[0047] The base station 100 may include various hardware components for rendering, filtering, encoding, and transmitting video and/or images as described herein, for example various types of processors, integrated circuits (ICs), central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), image signal processors (ISPs), encoder/decoders (codecs), etc. The base station 100 may include, but is not limited to, a GPU rendering 110 component, a wireless interface 130 component, and a video encoding system 120 that may include one or more hardware components that implement various methods that may help to maintain the target frame rate through the wireless connection 180 and to minimize the latency in frame rendering, encoding, transmittal, and display. The video encoding system 120 may include, but is not limited to, a pre-filter 122 component (e.g., an N-channel filter bank), a wavelet transform 124 component, and an encoder 126 component.

[0048] GPU rendering 110 may include one or more hardware components that may render frames for display by the device 150 that include virtual content based at least in part on the various information obtained from the sensors 160.

[0049] In some embodiments, the video encoding system 120 may include one or more hardware components that pre-filter 122 the pixel data in the rendered frames prior to performing a wavelet transform 124. Pre-filter 122 may, for example, reduce the resolution of the frames rendered on the base station 100 prior to performing the wavelet transform 124, encoding 126, and transmission to the device 150 over the wireless connection 180, which may help in improving compression, and may reduce latency and bandwidth usage on the wireless connection 180.

[0050] In some embodiments, pre-filter 122 may perform a lens warp on the frames on the base station 100 prior to the wavelet transform 124. The lens warp is performed to correct for the distortion of the images introduced by the lenses on the device that the images are viewed through, thus improving quality of the images. In some embodiments, the device 150 may store lens warp data for the lenses, for example generated by a calibration process, and may provide the lens warp data to the base station 100 over the wireless connection 180. The pre-filter 122 component of the video encoding system 120 may then perform the lens warp on the frames based on the lens warp data for that device 150. In conventional VR/MR systems, the lens warp is performed on the device 150 after decoding and prior to display. Performing the lens warp on the base station 100 in the pre-filter 122 stage may reduce the resolution of the frames prior to performing the wavelet transform 124 and encoding 126, which may help in improving compression, and may reduce latency and bandwidth usage on the wireless connection 180. In addition, by performing the lens warp on the base station 100 in the pre-filter 122 stage rather than on the device 150 after decoding, filtering of the image data may only need to be performed once, as opposed to performing filtering on the base station 100 to reduce resolution prior to encoding 126 and then performing lens warp filtering on the device 150.

[0051] In some embodiments, pre-filter 122 may also apply one or more filters to reduce resolution in peripheral regions while maintaining higher resolution in foveated regions. In this method, gaze tracking information obtained from the device 150 may be used to identify the direction in which the user is currently looking. Human eyes can perceive higher resolution in the foveal region than in the peripheral region. Thus, a region of the frame that corresponds to the fovea (referred to as the foveated region) may be identified based at least in part on the determined gaze direction. In some embodiments, the peripheral region (i.e. the portion of the frame outside the foveated region) may be pre-filtered to reduce information based on knowledge of the human vision system, for example by filtering high frequency information and/or increasing color compression. In some embodiments, the amount of filtering applied to the peripheral region may increase extending towards the periphery of the frame. Pre-filtering of the peripheral region may help to provide improved compression of the frame.

[0052] In some embodiments, a wavelet transform 124 component of the video encoding system 120 may include one or more hardware components (e.g., an N-channel filter bank) that perform a wavelet transform on the pixel data prior to encoding to decompose the pixel data into frequency bands. The frequency bands are then organized into blocks that are provided to a block-based encoder 126 for encoding/compression. As an example, as illustrated in FIGS. 3A through 3C, a frame may be divided into 128.times.128 blocks, and a two-level wavelet decomposition may be applied to each 128.times.128 block to generate 16 32.times.32 blocks of frequency data representing seven frequency bands that may then be sent to a block-based encoder (e.g., a High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) encoder) 126 to be encoded. The encoded frequency data is then sent to a wireless interface 130, implemented by one or more hardware components, that packetizes the data and transmits the packets to the device 150 over a wireless connection 180.

[0053] The device 150 may include various hardware components for decoding and displaying video and/or images as described herein, for example various types of processors, integrated circuits (ICs), central processing units (CPUs), graphics processing units (GPUs), image signal processors (ISPs), encoder/decoders (codecs), etc. The device 150 may include, but is not limited to, a wireless interface 152, a decoder 154 component (e.g., High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) decoder), a wavelet synthesis 156 component, and a display 158 component. On the device 150, the wireless interface 152 receives the packets that were transmitted over the wireless connection 180 by the base station 100. The encoded data is de-packetized and passed through a block-based decoder 154 (e.g., a High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) decoder) to recover the frequency bands. Wavelet synthesis 156 is then performed on the recovered frequency data to reconstruct the pixel data for display 158.

[0054] In some embodiments, the video encoding system 120 may perform slice-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal. Rendering, encoding, and transmitting entire frames may have a latency and memory impact as each frame needs to be completed, stored, and then transmitted to the next stage of the VR/MR system 10. In slice-based rendering, rather than rendering and encoding entire frames in the base station 100 and transmitting the rendered frames to the device 150, the base station 100 may render and encode parts of frames (referred to as slices) and transmit the encoded slices to the device 150 as they are ready. A slice may, for example, be a row of 128.times.128 blocks. Slice-based rendering and encoding may help to reduce latency, and may also reduce the amount of memory needed for buffering, which reduces the memory footprint on the chip(s) or processor(s) as well as power requirements.

[0055] In some embodiments, the video encoding system 120 may perform tile-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal. In tile-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal, each slice may be divided into multiple tiles (e.g., four tiles), and the base station 100 may render and encode the tiles and transmit the encoded tiles to the device 150 as they are ready.

[0056] In some embodiments, the video encoding system 120 may perform tile-based rendering, encoding, and transmittal using a single encoder 126 to process tiles from each slice. However, in some embodiments, the video encoding system 120 may perform tile-based encoding using multiple encoders 126 to process respective tiles from each slice. FIG. 2 illustrates a video encoding system 220 that includes multiple encoders (two encoders 226A and 226B, in this example) that process tiles from rendered frames in parallel, according to at least some embodiments.

[0057] A GPU rendering 210 component of the base station 200 may include one or more GPUs and/or other components that render frames (or slices of frames) for display. A frame may be divided into slices, for example as illustrated in FIG. 3A. As illustrated in FIG. 3A, each slice may be divided into multiple tiles (four, in this example), each tile including multiple blocks. FIG. 3B illustrates an example tile that includes four 128.times.128 blocks. However, blocks of other sizes (e.g. 64.times.64, 32.times.32, etc.) may be used in some embodiments, and a tile may include more or fewer blocks.

[0058] Pre-filter 222 and wavelet transform 224 components of the video encoding system 220 may then process each tile prior to encoding 226. In some embodiments, video encoding system 220 may include a separate pre-filter 222 component and wavelet transform 224 component for processing each tile. In this example, pre-filter 222A component and wavelet transform 224A component process tile 0, pre-filter 222B component and wavelet transform 224B component process tile 1, pre-filter 222C component and wavelet transform 224C component process tile 2, and pre-filter 222D component and wavelet transform 224D component process tile 3. The pre-filter 222 components perform pre-filtering of the tiles as described herein, and the wavelet transform 224 components decompose the tiles into frequency bands as described herein. However, in some embodiments, video encoding system 220 may include a single pre-filter 222 component and a single wavelet transform 224 component that process the tiles. In some embodiments, video encoding system 220 may include multiple (e.g., 2) pre-filter 222 components and multiple (e.g., 2) wavelet transform 224 components that each process multiple (e.g., 2) tiles.

[0059] Two encoders 226A and 226B may operate on two tiles from each slice (e.g., encoder 226A operates on tile 0 and tile 1; encoder 226B operates on tile 2 and tile 3). Each encoder 226 may multiplex the processing of blocks from different frequency bands (i.e., the 16 32.times.32 blocks illustrated in FIG. 3C) between its two tiles to allow for 16 time units between the processing of blocks from the same frequency band. By multiplexing the processing of blocks between two tiles, dependencies between blocks in the same frequency band may be handled appropriately.

[0060] While embodiments are described in which each slice is divided into four tiles and two encoders operate on respective tiles from each slice, slices may be divided into more tiles (e.g., six or eight tiles) in some embodiments, and more encoders (e.g., three, four, or more encoders) may be used in some embodiments.

[0061] FIG. 3C illustrates performing a wavelet transform of a pixel block that stores pixel data to generate frequency band data prior to encoding, according to at least some embodiments. In this example, a two-level wavelet decomposition is applied by the wavelet transform 324 component to a 128.times.128 pixel block 300 to generate sixteen 32.times.32 blocks 302 of frequency data representing seven frequency bands. The frequency blocks 302 are then provided to an encoder 326 for encoding. For example, the frequency blocks 302 may be written to a buffer by the wavelet transform 324 component, and read from the buffer by the encoder 326 component.

[0062] In the labels of the frequency blocks 302, the letter L represents a low pass filter, and the letter H represents a high pass filter. The blocks 302 labeled with two letters represent a one-level (2D) wavelet transform or decomposition. In the blocks 302 labeled with two letters (representing three of the seven frequency bands LH, HL, and HH), the first letter represents a vertical filter (either high or low) performed first, and the second letter represents a horizontal filter (either high or low) performed second. The blocks 302 labeled with four letters represent a two-level wavelet transform or decomposition. In the blocks 302 labeled with four letters, the first two letters (LL) indicate that there was first a vertical low pass filter followed by a horizontal low pass filter; the second two letters indicate that the resulting LL block was then filtered four ways, LL, LH, HL, and HH (thus generating four of the seven frequency bands (LLLL, LLLH, LLHL, and LLHH).

